The grass beneath my feet

The clouds above my head

My emotions rise and retreat

Reaching to all that's been said..

My mind in a whirl

of the distant future's call

My body shifts in a twirl

To hear, meet or heed this Fall...

The distant past reaches to tap my shoulder

Doubts flicker and scream across my mind

wondering if you would or could be bolder

For I truely believe in that which you find...

From out of nowhere you appear

Like an aparition in the dryest desert of my desire..

For what I see and feel there is cause for fear,

You could be the joy of my life

or Just as the aparition you could be a myre..

But the choice is yet unmade..

and that I cannot see..

in and out of my dreams you fade

But your essence and memory stay with me..

I lone to reach to you

But scars so bold yet so true

Reach up to me and say who?

So as I am I will remain.. Blue

But in the darkest reaches of my mind

I scream and shout that " I love you "

I just hope that one day, In someway

It is that which you find..

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