The grass beneath my feet..
The clouds above my head..

My emotions rise like a breaking tide..
Reacting to all that's been said..

My mind in a whirl..
From the recent turn of events....

From around the corner I spied....
The distant future's call..

My body shifts and twists to meet my destiny,
As my mind fights this plague.

There isn't a heart left to love..
There isn't a way for me to do so again...

But from aroung that corner it's there,
Staring me in the face..

You know love's call.
The one that moves every part of your spirit..

Not the usual Oh, "I like him"...
But the one that your afraid to see..

Your afraid to admit it..
For fear of  "is this a dream?"

If I state that in my heart...
The Jinx is made and then it will fade..

I found him you see..
And I beleived that there was no love for me..

But it's there if I only take the chance..
For love to find me...But I am paralyzed...

Like a deer in the headlights..
Seeing my death loom before me...

I know if I don't do anything..
It will surly pass me by..

But if I do,
I loose my soul..

My mind...
My heart...

For the distant future's call has reached me
And my destiny is marked..

But yet I still sit here and think...
Do I dare?

Do I tell him my feelings and spare?
I Do I really care?

How do I know....
That this isn't s dream from the past?

And how will I care?
That one day he might not be there..

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